Supported Living

Embrace Health Care Supported Living

Embrace Health Care’s supported living package is used to describe the arrangement whereby someone who already has, or who wants their own tenancy or own home, has support from a “Care and Support” provider to help them live as independently and safely as possible.

Many of our clients using the supported living service are in homes that are shared by 2 or 3 people with a similar health problems, such as a past substance misuse problems or a particular disability.

The services we offer obviously overlap to some degree with the Domiciliary Care Service but typically the requirements are different as we support across the spectrum of ages and disabilities where domiciliary is typically older people.

Often we provide Respite services where family and permanent carers take a break and we cover the needs of the clients for a few few hours, a day or two, or even a couple of weeks allowing for holidays.

Supported living for young adults

Supported living for young people refers to a form of accommodation and assistance designed to help young individuals with mental or physical disabilities transition into independent living. This may involve providing them with access to appropriate care services, support staff, and the necessary resources to help them develop life skills and cope with their unique challenges.

Supported living for Vulnerable adults.

This is a service provided to vulnerable adults who require assistance to live independently in their own home. The service is an alternative to institutional care and is designed to provide people with greater freedom to live their lives on their terms. We offer a unique blend of accommodation, support, and care, which meets individual needs and promotes personal growth and development.

In the Home

  • Assist with clothing selection
  • Assist with entertaining
  • Help with reading
  • Participate in hobbies and crafts
  • Monitor diet and eating
  • Preparing Meals
  • Housework
  • Renting, hiring and playing films
  • Plan visits, outings and trips
  • Record family history
  • Discuss current/historical events
  • Reminisce about the past

Out and About

  • Escort to day centres
  • Participate in hobbies and crafts
  • Buy magazines, papers and books
  • Plan visits, outings and trips
  • Visit neighbours and friends
  • Accompany to lunch or dinner
  • Attend plays or concerts
  • Visit cinemas
  • Attend club meetings
  • Attend sporting events
  • Shopping

Health and Medical

  • Escort to appointments
  • Hospital visits
  • Doctor/Health Centre
  • Collecting Prescriptions
  • Prompting and Reminders
  • Personal Hygiene
  • Personal Grooming
  • Dental Appointments
  • Optician Appointments
  • Chiropodist Visits
  • Changing of incontinence pads
  • Emptying catheter bags

Embrace Healthcare staff are employees and are fully trained and DBS checked throughout their employment. We would love to hear from you if you are looking for care at home for someone else or yourself, please contact us.